
Dear Jewish Fairy Godmother:

I work in a relatively poor rural school district. Most of us who teach
here do it for love of the children. Certainly not for the very low
salaries and bad working conditions. Last autumn we finally got a new
superintendent, who replaced an arrogant and I suspect corrupt
predecessor. He diverted all the money that souls have improved
academics to sports teams. The new one is all about classrooms and
getting students access to technology. This week, for Teacher
Appreciation Day, he personally went to each school and put a giant
Snickers bar into each teacher’s mailbox. He also sent a sweet email
acknowledging our professionalism and commitment. I was away at a
training, but came back to an empty mailbox, if you don’t count the
normal detritus of district announcements. A friend reported that a
much-unloved colleague had gone around harvesting the candy from
the boxes of those of us who were away or sick, cheerfully gloating,
“You snooze, you lose!” in front of several other teachers. She missed
any sense of irony, given that she is about 100 pounds above a
healthy BMI. I don’t even like Snickers, but I know folks who do. And
I’m annoyed at her behavior. Say what to her?


Dear Teach:

I’d avoid fat shaming, because you’d feel almost the same if she were
skinny and a chocolate thief, though perhaps a little less self-
righteous. Simple post a sign in the teachers lounge that says this:
Dear Candy Thief: Among the values we try to teach our students are
integrity and honesty. The candy bar you removed from my box while
I was away at a teacher training was a symbolic but meaningful thank
you. I would like to appreciate it in my own way. Please return it to my
mailbox without further ado.


Most folks would be shamed and comply. Those that would not be are
so inured to public opinion that virtually northing will impact their
psyche. Either way, thank the new superintendent.