Site icon Your Jewish Fairy Godmothers


Dear Jewish Fairy Godmother:

I just got laid off from my primary employer of the last twenty years. I
took a two-year break to go work for a competing consulting firm five
years ago but came back when a different working group seemed to
have lots of work for me. They broke off to start a new firm and didn’t
take me along. So I have limped into my current situation without
having any internal managerial support. They just changed my
employment contract to billable only and gave me raise for hours
clients pay for. But they won&'t pay for overhead time and I lost my
benefits. I’ll make enough that I don&'t get unemployment but I have
no office to go to. I&'m angry especially because I came back to work
here a second time. Now I need to look for another job but I am so
suspicious of all managers I&'m afraid it&'ll bleed through in interviews.


Dear Bitter:

You&'ll need a major attitude retrofit before an actual interview. But the
first task is getting in the door. Write a resume that&'s sharp and eye-
catching and that highlights your decades of professional skills and
achievements. Be sure to organize it around categories of what you
bring to the table. For example: management, supervision, marketing,
research and analysis, client relations, whatever’s relevant.

Practice your interview questions and answers with friends and even
former colleagues. Be prepared for questions like Why are you in the
job market? and Why you have changed jobs in the past? Do
everything you can to spit out your ambivalence with your toothbrush
water before you walk out the door. Employers have sharp eyes out
for disgruntled employees. They’re toxic to the organization and no
one wants to put a bad apple in their basket. Even though you feel like
you got a raw deal, show up perky and smiling. Give simple answers
like, The old company had revenue problems and decided to trim staff.
Then aim your answers to their questions towards the future. Practice
your delivery until you sound sincere

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