Site icon Your Jewish Fairy Godmothers

Living the Good Life

Dear Jewish Fairy Godmother:

How can I pull the plug on a gift exchange that I did not initiate, but have
participated in for the past two years? I met a friend on a bridge cruise after my
divorce. Many of the single women were hunting for a man. I wasn’t, and ended
up in a random pairing with a smart Jewish woman from Tennessee. We have
partnered together online in the interim, but no more travel, for various reasons
on both sides. She has significantly more money than I do, but when she sent me
the original Hanukah gift I felt I had no choice but to reciprocate. Gifting has
continued for Hanukah and birthdays. Is there a polite way to end this without
hurting her feelings? I think she likes shopping and gifting people as a hobby.
Honestly, I don’t need anything except better knees and a few extra hours in
each day.

Living the Good Life

Dear Living the Good Life:

Send her an email that goes roughly: Dear Partner – I so enjoy our friendship. I
hope we can connect again in person sometime. This year for the holidays I have
decided to forgo gift giving and gift receiving. My life is so full and there are so
many in the world in such need. Below I have listed a set of organizations that
I’ve selected for their good works to make a hard world a better place for people
whose lives are much more difficult than ours. Please tell me which you would
like me to gift in your name, and please do the same rather than sending me
anything for Hanukah or in the future. We are so lucky. Let’s share.

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